
Anusha was rescued from a life begging on the streets of Hyderabad

ASRITHA Rainbow Home

Anusha was born in 2008. Her father passed away when she was very young and her mother suffers from severe mental health problems. After her husband died, Anusha’s mother moved to Hyderabad and lived on the streets with Anusha. They would beg together to survive and Anusha did not go to school. She became severely underweight and malnourished and was identified by the ASRITHA team as extremely vulnerable.

Anusha entered the ASRITHA Rainbow Home and thanks to the Home’s ‘enhanced nutrition’ diet her health has improved significantly. She has settled well and is now able to socialise with the other children and is gaining confidence. She is showing a keen interest in education and is learning to write.

After some time, ASRITHA organised for Anusha’s mother to visit the Home (they work hard to maintain links and relationships with children’s families) but very sadly, due to her mental illness, she had no memory of her daughter.

This story is real. In accordance with Indian and Scottish regulations and recommendations, names and/or photos have been changed to protect identity and to respect confidentiality.

To find out more about other children like Anusha that ASRITHA and our other partners have helped, visit our Stories page here.

Photo of Anusha