Bake a Little Love

Bake your heart out and raise funds for SLA’s vital work.

Everyone loves home baking, so why not help ‘spread a little love’ by holding a ‘Bake a Little Love’ event? Get your bake-off mojo on, make cakes or cookies with a heart theme and invite friends round to share your heart-shaped delights!

How to Get Started

  • Contact the SLA Office to request a ‘Bake a Little Love Starter Pack’ (which includes flyers, cookie cutter, invites, recipes, invites and a donation form) and we will send one to you.
  • Or download the Bake a Little Love Recipes on this page and print them off yourself. If you do print the info off from the website, remember to still contact us for your free cookie cutter!
  • Organise a free slot a week or so in advance and send out your Bake a Little Love Invitations for your ‘Bake a Little Love-off’.
  • See the recipes we provide or be creative and choose a couple of your own.
  • Put your cheesy love songs on, wash your hands, and bake your heart out!
  • Enjoy your baking with everyone at your ‘Bake a Little Love-off’ party.
  • You can either ask people to make a donation for sampling your tasty baking, or set a price per item.
  • They may even like to buy a little bag of goodies to take away.
  • Some bakers like to take their culinary delights to sell at their local playgroup, golf club or church instead of hosting it in their houses; it’s up to you.
  • Complete your Bake a Little Love Donation Form and send a cheque to SLA or make a payment online for the amount raised.

In India discrimination against girls continues, and is most visible in the uneven child sex ratio, a trend that may be attributed to female foeticide