About Us
We work with our partners in India to transform lives.
Since 2000 Scottish Love in Action (SLA) have helped to give children in India the education, care, life skills and support they need to flourish. We do this by funding and supporting ‘grassroots’ Indian projects that look after, educate and empower vulnerable children.
156 million children in India live in poverty. Extreme poverty persists in India because economic growth and measures to reduce poverty have bypassed many people.
We work closely with our Indian partners on tackling all forms of child poverty. This includes physical, emotional, educational and economic poverty. SLA and our partners enable children to lead independent, fulfilling lives and to grow into healthy, thriving adults.
Many of the children our partners work with have been ‘street-children’, living in very volatile circumstances and at huge risk of abuse and exploitation. Often the children work as beggars or rag-pickers and receive little or no education. They may be orphaned; they have often been through very traumatic experiences.
Our partners help to rescue children from situations like these. They support and nurture them, helping children to begin to see a life where they can have a choice in the future they build for themselves.
You can learn more about us through Our History, Why India?, Our Impact, and Our Team. You can also read inspiring stories and case studies of some of the children our partners have impacted on over the years. To find out more about the different ways you can support us, take a look at our Get Involved pages.
We are members of Scotland’s International Development Alliance and Small International Development Charities’ Network.
21 million primary aged children in India are deprived of basic education