Happy 21st Birthday SLA

Scottish Love in Action is 21 in 2021!

Happy birthday to us!

In our 21st year, Gillie Davidson, SLA’s founder would like to share a message of ‘love in action’ with you.

If you would like to gift us a 21st birthday present please do so below.

21st birthday present

In 1999 our founder, Gillie took a youth group from Edinburgh all the way to India, where they helped build a home and school for destitute and deprived children. This work inspired the formation of Scottish Love in Action (SLA) in 2000.

For 21 years, through working with our Indian partners, Scottish Love in Action have supported thousands of children and young people. Our partners use the funds we raise to support, care for, educate, empower and nurture some of the most vulnerable children in the world.

The funds we have raised are testament to the generosity of our supporters in Scotland and beyond. They share in making our dream of life-changing transformations, a reality.