Book Café

Thank you for attending SLA’s Book Café on Saturday 28 September in George Watson’s College, Edinburgh.

Thank you for attending SLA’s Book Café. Don’t forget to enter the book quiz!

The Book Café is on Saturday 28 September from 10.30-12.30 at George Watson’s College, Colinton Road, Edinburgh, EH10 5EG

Meet your friends and enjoy coffee, shortbread, games and tombola. Cash and card payments accepted.

The Book Café has a new model: please bring 5 books in good condition which you are happy to pass on; and take home 5 books, new to you.

The famous Literary Quiz will also be available on the day.

Tickets: £7.50, children £5.00, children under 5 free.

Thank you to the volunteers organising this event. The complete ticket price and any donations are in aid of Scottish Love in Action.