Ira felt unsettled, lonely, and unfulfilled, though is now on track to making her dreams a reality.
With her mother forced to work long hours as a labourer for a living, young Ira was often left isolated and alone. She lived in a poorly constructed home, with no running water or proper sanitation, and was many miles from a school. Naturally, Ira felt unsettled, lonely, and unfulfilled.
To keep her home in a good state, Ira had to drop out of school and spend much of her time cleaning. She would idly wander the streets when she wasn’t at home, and held a bleak outlook on her future.
Fortunately, a social worker from the Rainbow Home spotted Ira walking around, and interacted with her. They learned of her situation, and went to speak to her mother, who felt that the home would be a great environment for her daughter. Shortly after, Ira moved into the home that would give her the care and protection she needed.
Ira seized the opportunity to get back on track with her studies, and threw herself into extra curricular activities, including arts and crafts (candle, earring and bangle making), and karate!
Finally in the supportive community environment she’d been craving, she was glad to make friends, attend personal development programmes, and live her life to the fullest.
Ira imagines herself as a Nurse one day, and she is definitely on route to making her dream a reality!
This story is real. In accordance with Indian and Scottish regulations and recommendations, names and/or photos have been changed to protect identity and to respect confidentiality.