
Kavya’s young life hasn’t been easy.

ASRITHA Rainbow Home

Kavya’s young life hasn’t been easy. Her father passed away, and her mother neglected her, to completely focus on her new marriage.

Kavya moved in with her father’s old friend, Aahan, hoping to receive the care she so desperately needed. In a low paying job, Aahan worked many hours to put food on the table, so once again young Kavya was in a vulnerable position, isolated and uncared for. Aahan couldn’t give Kavya proper emotional support, ensure her safety, or teach her the life skills she needed. He couldn’t see a way forward.

Thankfully, a support worker from our grassroots partner offered a solution, telling him about the Rainbow Home.

Before long, Kavya joined the home, where she was given counselling, taught valuable skills, and made wonderful friends. She is now happier than ever, settled, and talks about teaching and helping other girls one day.

The home gave Kavya a space to grow and thrive, and it has transformed her life for the better.

This story is real. In accordance with Indian and Scottish regulations and recommendations, names and/or photos have been changed to protect identity and to respect confidentiality.