Scottish Love in Action visit to Hyderabad, India, January 2024

Blog by Sheila Cannell, Chair, Scottish Love in Action

Blog by Sheila Cannell, Chair, Scottish Love in Action

International Women’s Day 2023

Listen to our Chair of Trustees, talk about the work of our programme partner, VOICE 4 Girls.

Listen to our Chair of Trustees, talk about the work of our programme partner, VOICE 4 Girls.

VOICE 4 Girls Scotland Visit

Our programme partners are visiting us for the very first time!

Our programme partners are visiting us for the very first time!

Posted by Sheila Cannell

Maheshwari’s story

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we invited Trustee Sheila Cannell to write a blog

To celebrate International Women’s Day, we invited Trustee Sheila Cannell to write a blog


VOICE 4 Girls begins work with boys

Fireflies camps to help create a gender-equal society

Fireflies camps to help create a gender-equal society

Posted by Anusha Bharadwaj

Blog: Power to girls!

Anusha Bharadwaj, VOICE 4 Girls CEO, talks about helping girls find their voices.

Anusha Bharadwaj, VOICE 4 Girls CEO, talks about helping girls find their voices.


Charvi was able to create the change she wanted to see in her community, thanks to VOICE 4 Girls.

Charvi was able to create the change she wanted to see in her community, thanks to VOICE 4 Girls.


Eesha felt trapped by myths surrounding menstruation, though she now feels unrestricted, strong and confident as a woman. 

Eesha felt trapped by myths surrounding menstruation, though she now feels unrestricted, strong and confident as a woman. 


To stop her teenage sisters’ marriage, Maheshwari had to fight the social expectation that girls should marry young.

To stop her teenage sisters’ marriage, Maheshwari had to fight the social expectation that girls should marry young.